Serum-free Media
Many of Athena’s Cell Culture Products are Serum-Free Media developed for use in mammalian tissue culture research. Athena provides an array of serum-free media in addition to several supplementary products to aid in the growth and preservation of mammalian cell lines. The above symbol indicates our serum-free products. Viral, bacterial, and fungal contamination of serum is common and presents serious safety hazards for manufacturers of biopharmaceuticals. The use of serum-free media significantly reduces the possibility of this potential contamination.
BRFF-BMZERO (0401) BRFF-EPM2 (0402) BRFF-HPC1 (0403)
BRFF-P4-8F (0404) DMEM / F12 Serum Free (0410)
IMDM Serum Free (0411) SFM Screening Kit (0415)
BRFF-P4-8F (0404) DMEM / F12 Serum Free (0410)
IMDM Serum Free (0411) SFM Screening Kit (0415)