Serum-free Media
Athena’s proprietary Serum-Free Media (SFM) have simplified and defined compositions that are developed for use in mammalian tissue culture research -- including drug discovery, physiological, and gene expression studies. Athena provides an array of serum-free media in addition to several supplementary products to aid in the growth and preservation of mammalian cell lines. Viral, bacterial, and fungal contamination of serum is common and presents serious safety hazards for manufacturers of biopharmaceuticals. The use of serum-free media significantly reduces the possibility of this potential contamination.
BRFF-BMZERO (0401) BRFF-EPM2 (0402) BRFF-HPC1 (0403)
BRFF-P4-8F (0404) DMEM / F12 Serum Free (0410)
IMDM Serum Free (0411) SFM Screening Kit (0415)
BRFF-P4-8F (0404) DMEM / F12 Serum Free (0410)
IMDM Serum Free (0411) SFM Screening Kit (0415)